2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告

Cypress CY8CLEDAC02 8W调光LED驱动器参考设计

2010-12-24 11:33:27 来源:中电网

 Cypress 公司的CY8CLEDAC02是高性能离线LED驱动器,AC离线输入从80V到277VAC,输出功率高达25W,调光范围从2%到100%,智能墙壁调光器检测,主要用在可调光的离线LED驱动器,可调光的LED替代灯以及可调光的LED光源。本文介绍了CY8CLEDAC02主要特性,逻辑方框图,典型应用电路图以及8W 120VAC输入调光LED驱动器参考设计指标,电路图和材料清单。

 The CY8CLEDAC02 is a high performance offline LED driver, designed to interface directly with most conventional phase cut based wall dimmers. The device uses proprietary digital control technology to provide automatic detection of dimmer type (leading or trailing edge). It automatically generates dimming signals for LED loads and has the ability to dim down to 2 percent. It modulates LED brightness using a linear dimming scheme and switches to a pulse width modulation (PWM) based dimming scheme for output current levels lower than 20 percent

 of the full load current. In PWM mode optimized dimming frequencies in the range of 900 Hz result in zero visible flicker.

 At the heart of a CY8CLEDAC02 based system is the chopping circuit which provides the load necessary to enable correct wall dimmer operation. It also improves PF when there is no dimmer on the line.

 The devices’ proprietary primary side sensing enables tight LED current regulation and eliminates the need for secondary feedback circuitry. No opto-couplers are necessary to meet UL isolation requirements; enabling flyback conversion with automatic isolation.

 The CY8CLEDAC02 operates in quasi-resonant mode to achieve high efficiency. This mode of operation helps minimize external component count and simplifies EMI design, lowering the total bill of material cost.

 The device’s cycle-by-cycle adaptive digital regulation uses critical discontinuous conduction mode (CDCM) when driving LED loads. The control algorithm for cycle-by-cycle regulation has internal compensation for guaranteed system phase and gain margins; requiring no external components for loop compensation.

 The CY8CLEDAC02 has full featured circuit protection not normally available with other primary-side control solutions. The built-in protection includes output overvoltage protection, output short circuit protection, overtemperature protection, current-sense resistor short protection, and peak current limit protection. It also enables automatic LED brightness adjustment to compensate for temperature drift by simply connecting a NTC resistor to the VT pin.


■ AC offline input range from 80 to 277 VAC

■ Up to 25 W output power range

■ Intelligent wall dimmer detection:

Leading edge (R, RL) dimmers

Trailing edge (RC, RLC) dimmers

No dimmer

■ Wide dimming range from 2 to 100 percent

■ Resonant control to achieve high efficiency (85 percent without dimmer)

■ Meets harmonic requirement with high power factor (0.7 without dimmer)

■ Primary-side sensing eliminates opto-isolators

■ Tight LED current regulation (typically < + 2.5 percent)

■ Low startup current (typically 10A)

■ Low startup time (typically 0.5 s with active startup)

■ Multiple protection features:

Output overvoltage protection (OOVP)

Output short circuit protection (OSCP)

Overtemperature protection (OTP)

Current-sense resistor short protection (CSSP)

Peak current limit protection (PCLP)

Single-point fault protection


Dimmable offline LED driver

Dimmable LED replacement lamps

Dimmable LED luminaires




8W 120VAC输入调光LED驱动器参考设计

This document describes a low line 8 W dimmable LED driver reference design using the  CY8CLEDAC02 AC-D


Reference Design Guide (this document)


Bill of Materials (BOM)

Reference Design Database (Altium Designer compatible)

PCB Layout Files

Board 3D Model (Altium Designer compatible) and Pictures



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