2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告

ST EVALHVLED805 4.2W离线LED驱动解决方案

2011-03-30 17:22:50 来源:中电网

摘要:  本文介绍了EVALHVLED805主要特性, 电路图和材料清单(BOM

关键字:  LED驱动器,  开关,  电流

 ST 公司的EVALHVLED805是HVLED805 PWM电流模式LED驱动器的演示板,是 4.2W离线LED驱动器.输入电压VIN从185到265 VAC,火线频率50-60Hz,最大输出功率4.2W,最大电压12V,输出电流350 mA ± 5%,正常模式的开关闭频率大于70kHz,平均效率大于70%,无负载的最大输入功率小于100W.本文介绍了EVALHVLED805主要特性, 电路图和材料清单(BOM).

 4.2 W off-line LED driver with primary side regulation

 The EVALHVLED805 is a demonstration board equipped with the new HVLED805 PWM current mode LED driver and is designed for European mains. It can control, with very good accuracy, from 1 to 3 LEDs having a nominal current of 350 mA. The HVLED805 has integrated high voltage startup and an 800 V power MOSFET. The high MOSFET’s breakdown voltage allows very robust and reliable applications and reduces the size of the snubber and the relative power dissipation. Its accurate primary-current control eliminates the need of the optocoupler which impacts the cost, the compactness and the lifetime of the application while still maintaining a very good LED accuracy (below 5 %). Moreover, this converter, specifically designed for quasiresonant (QR) flyback converters, enables very low turn-on losses and EMI emissions.




  ■ Input voltage range (VIN): 185 - 265 VAC

  ■ Main frequency (fL): 50 - 60 Hz

  ■ Maximum (rated) output power: 4.2 W

  ■ Output: IOUT = 350 mA ± 5%

  – Over voltage = 12 V max

  – Current ripple < 10% IOUT

  ■ Minimum switching frequency in normal mode: 70 kHz

  ■ Target average efficiency (from 1 to 3 LEDs) > 70 %

  ■ Maximum input power in no-load < 100 mW





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