2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告

Linear LT3597 60V三路降压LED驱动方案

2011-04-02 11:07:04 来源:中电网

摘要:  LT3597可用在LED信号板,单色,多色和满色LED显示器,大屏幕显示LED背光以及汽车,工业和医疗显示器.本文介绍了LT3597主要特性, 方框图以及多种应用电路图.

关键字:  LED驱动器,  调光,  开关,  显示器

Linear 公司的LT3597是 60V三路降压LED驱动器,在100Hz时可提供10000:1数字PWM调光,每路可驱动多达10个LED,开关频率可在200kHz和1MHz间编程,自适应控制输出以得到最佳效率,通路间的LED电流匹配2%,开路LED报告,短路LED保护,可编程LED电流和可编程温度保护. LT3597可用在LED信号板,单色,多色和满色LED显示器,大屏幕显示LED背光以及汽车,工业和医疗显示器.本文介绍了LT3597主要特性, 方框图以及多种应用电路图.

The LTR3597 is a 60V triple step-down LED driver capable of achieving 10,000:1 digital PWM dimming at 100Hz with fast NPN current sources driving up to 10 LEDs in each channel. LED dimming can also be achieved via analog control of the CTRL1-3 pin.

The step-down switching frequency is programmed between 200kHz and 1MHz. The frequency is also synchronizable to an external clock. The LT3597 provides maximum LED brightness while adhering to manufacturers’ specifications for thermal derating. The derate temperature is programmed by placing a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor on the master control pin.

The LT3597 adaptively controls VOUT in order to achieve optimal efficiency. Other features include: 2% LED current matching between channels, open LED reporting, shorted LED protection, programmable LED current, and programmable temperature protection.


  Three 100mA Buck Regulators, Each Drives Up to 10 LEDs with Fast NPN Current Sources

  Fast Current Sources for <1μs Pulse Widths (10,000:1 True Color PWM Dimming at 100Hz)

  LEDs Disconnected in Shutdown

  Adaptive VOUT for Increased Efficiency

  6V to 60V Input Voltage Range

  ±2% LED Current Matching

  External Resistor Sets LED Current for Each Channel

  Internal Compensation and Soft-Start

  Programmable Switching Frequency (200kHz to 1MHz)

  Synchronizable to External Clock

  Open LED Detection and Reporting

  Shorted LED Pin Protection and Reporting

  Programmable LED Thermal Derating

  Programmable Temperature Protection

  5mmx 8mm Thermally Enhanced QFN Package with a 0.6mm High Voltage Pin Spacing


  LED Billboards and Signboards

  Mono, Multi, Full-Color LED Displays

  Large Screen Display LED Backlighting

  Automotive, Industrial, and Medical Displays




  图2.LT3597三路RGB单像素100mA LED驱动电路图


  图3.LT3597 48V 1MHz降压100mA RGB LED驱动电路图


  图4.LT3597 48V 1MHz降压10W 100mA RGB LED驱动电路图(3.6V LED)


  图5.LT3597 24V 200kHz三路降压100mA RGB LED驱动电路图


  图6.LT3597 48V 1MHz三路降压20mA RGB LED驱动电路图

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