2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告

Infineon ILD4035 1W LED驱动解决方案

2011-02-15 15:52:45 来源:中电网 点击:1259

 Infineon 公司的ILD4035是大功率LED驱动器,驱动电流高达350mA,输出电流可用外接电阻调整,输入电压4.5V-42V,具有过流和过压保护,LED开路保护,软起动,模拟电压和PWM调光,工作电压范围内关断电流小于100nA,输出电流精度3%,整个温度范文LED电流漂移非常低,主要应用在通用照明的LED驱动器,室内照明和住宅区照明,办公室照明以及建筑物照明.本文介绍了ILD4035主要特性,方框图, 应用电路图, 评估板电路图和评估板材料清单.

 The ILD4035 is a hysteretic Step down LED converter IC for general lighting applications, which is capable to drive high power LEDs with currents up to 350 mA.

 The IC incorporates a wide input voltage range and an internal power switch. The output current level can be adjusted with an external sense resistor.

 According to the multifunctional control pin the IC can be switched on and off by an external signal, which is also suitable to regulate brightness of the LEDs by PWM or analog voltage dimming.

 Depending on the value of the switching inductor the switching frequency and the voltage ripple can be set. The precise internal bandgap stabilizes the circuit and provides stable current conditions over temperature range.

 To ensure a long lifetime of the LED system, the ILD4035 incorporates an overvoltage and an overcurrent protection.

 In addition, the integrated thermal shutdown will protect the LEDs and the IC against thermal stress.


Wide input voltage range: 4.5 V ...42 V

Internal switch

350 mA LED output current

Over current protection

Over voltage protection

Reversible temperature shut down mechanism

Inherent open- circuit LED protection

Soft- start capability

Low shut down current< 100 nA in operating voltage range

Analog voltage and PWM dimming possible

Typical 3% output current accuracy

Very low LED current drift over temperature

Minimum external components required

Small Package: SC74


LED Driver for general lighting applications

Indoor illumination, residential lighting

Outdoor illumination, street lighting

Office lighting, downlights

Architectural lighting




 Driving 1W LEDs with ILD4035

 This document contains informations about the LED-Less Demonstration Board for ILD4035. IILD4035 is a hysteretic step-down LED driver. Please refer to the datasheet for the pins descriptions, functions descriptions and specifications.

 The ILD4035 Demonstration Board has two versions. Version ILD4035 24V BOARD’s sense resistance is optimized to drive a string of 6 series LEDs at 350mA (max current) with an input voltage of 24V. Version ILD4035 12V BOARD’s sense resistance is optimized to drive a string of 3 series LEDs at 350mA (max current) with an input voltage of 12V.

 ILD4035 maintains a constant current through a string of LEDS as long as the input voltage exceeds the sum of the forward voltages of the LEDs in the string by at least 3V. The maximum input voltage for this demonstration board must not exceed 30V; this restriction is due to the schottky diode installed which has a reverse breakdown voltage of 30V. If there is a need to test the board with a maximum supply voltage of 40V,please replace the schottky diode SD1 with a suitable breakdown voltage.

 The ILD4035 incorporates the following protection features: Over-voltage protection, temperature shut down and an over-current protection.

 The board includes a “Multifunctional Pin” input terminal for digital or analog dimming control signal. PWM dimming frequencies upto 300Hz at 100:1 contrast ratio and at 100Hz contrast ratio of 300:1 are possible.

 The demonstration board is designed to operate at ambient temperatures up to 75C for version 12V3LED, but this temperature lowers to 66C for version 24V6LED.

图5.ILD4035测量Vsense w.r.t. Vs推荐电路图

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