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2012-08-28 09:02:16 来源:大比特商务网 点击:1247

摘要:  2012年8月27日晚间消息,据国外媒体报道,全球领先的硅片与太阳能电池组件制造商昱辉阳光宣布与美国SolarPlanet Power Inc达成4.6MW高效模块供应协议。

关键字:  太阳能电池硅片昱辉阳光光伏组件

2012年8月27日晚间消息,据国外媒体报道,全球领先的硅片与太阳能电池组件制造商昱辉阳光宣布与美国SolarPlanet Power Inc达成4.6MW高效模块供应协议。

根据协议规定昱辉阳光将在2012年三季度供货,并且Solar Planet预计将在本次交割完成6个月内再预定15MW光伏组件。


ReneSola Signs 4.6 MW Module Sales Agreement with Solar Planet

ReneSola Ltd (“ReneSola” or the “Company”) (NYSE: SOL), a leading global manufacturer of solar modules and wafers, today announced it has agreed to sell 4.6 megawatts (“MW”) of its high-quality, high-efficiency 255 watt (“W”) poly modules to Solar Planet Power Inc. (“Solar Planet”), a U.S. company specializing in photovoltaic (“PV”) system solutions for commercial properties, including system due diligence, financing, design and installation.

Under the terms of the agreement, ReneSola will ship a total of 4.6 MW of its high-efficiency 255 W poly modules to Solar Planet in the third quarter of 2012. Solar Planet intends to order up to 15 MW of additional solar modules within six months following the initial delivery.

Mr. Xianshou Li, ReneSola’s chief executive officer, said, “This contract win reflects our deep commitment to the U.S. market, as well as the recognized quality of our high-efficiency modules. Over the past six months, our Americas sales team has worked hard to establish on-the-ground relationships with key solar power players and prospective customers in the United States, as well as to raise brand awareness of our products. Our full line of 60-cell and 72-cell multicrystalline and monocrystalline modules has become increasingly known for their superior technology and performance. We are pleased and proud to deliver these modules to Solar Planet for use in their PV systems. Moreover, we hope to develop a long-term relationship with Solar Planet as we build our business in the Americas and capitalize on the region’s growing solar market.”

“This strategic partnership with ReneSola will help us reach our big growth plans much faster and smoother,” said Siyd Tawana, president of Solar Planet. “We are shooting for about $200 million in solar projects at schools and other public and private sites over the next two years. We have contracts to do installations for more than 30 major school districts, more than 20 municipals and many hospitals, airports and universities in the state of Ohio. We will later expand to other geographic markets in the United States and abroad, and we look forward to completing several new projects using ReneSola modules.”

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