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2013-03-22 11:36:05 来源:网络 点击:1735

摘要:  阿尔法和欧米伽半导体有限公司发布了AOZ1948,单个通道巴克LED控制器,LED调光特性与全线性决议从100%提高到1%,除了添加集成电路保护功能,提高系统的健壮性和可靠性的解决方案。该设备能够支持VIN水平从9 v到500 v这使其非常适合AC / DC照明应用,如一般照明,商业和工业环境。

关键字:  LED控制器集成电路保护AC/DC照明

阿尔法和欧米伽半导体有限公司发布了AOZ1948,单个通道巴克LED控制器,LED调光特性与全线性决议从100%提高到1%,除了添加集成电路保护功能,提高系统的健壮性和可靠性的解决方案。该设备能够支持VIN水平从9 v到500 v这使其非常适合AC/DC照明应用,如一般照明,商业和工业环境。

Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited released the AOZ1948, a single channel buck LED controller which features LED dimming resolution with full linearity from 100% to 1%, in addition to added integrated circuit protection capabilities for improved system solution robustness and reliability. The device is able to support VIN levels from 9V to 500V which makes it ideally suited for AC/DC lighting applications such as general lighting for commercial and industrial environments, and backlighting for next generation LED TVs.

The AOZ1948 combines key performance and device safety features for improved solution reliability and robustness. The device’s current control method provides a best-in-class LED current regulation of better than 2% and supports duty cycles up to 90%. In addition, the AOZ1948 integrates many fault detection and safety features such as over-current protection, auto-restart OCP, thermal overload, and high voltage sensing and adjustable fault timer.

“I am excited about the market prospect for the AOZ1948, our first step-down LED controller IC for advanced lighting solutions.” said Wayne Eng, Director of Product Marketing at AOS. “The buck topology in LED backlighting solutions offers our customers improved overall solution cost with reduced component count and smaller footprint on the PCB.”

Pricing and Availability

The AOZ1948 is immediately available in production quantities with a lead-time of 12 weeks. The unit price for 1,000 pieces is $0.495.

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