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TI 4MHz高电流LED驱动器LM3565

2013-04-25 11:29:16 来源:网络

摘要:  LM3565是一个4 MHz的LM3565固定频率,电流型同步提高$转换器的设计,以推动两个系列闪led在930毫安。一个高压电流源允许led被终止的接地平面不再需要额外回报追溯到IC。

关键字:  高压电流源转换器

LM3565是一个4 MHz的LM3565固定频率,电流型同步提高转换器的设计,以推动两个系列闪led在930毫安。一个高压电流源允许led被终止的接地平面不再需要额外回报追溯到IC。

A dedicated Strobe pin provides a direct interface to trigger the flash event, while an external Torch pin provides an additional method for enabling the LEDs in a constant current mode. The LM3565 can adaptively scale the maximum flash level delivered to the LEDs based upon the measured input voltage.

Multiple protection features are available on the LM3565 ranging from over-voltage protection to output short-circuit detection.

The LM3565 has four selectable inductor current limits to help the user select an inductor that is appropriate for the design.


High Efficiency Synchronous Boost Converter Drives 2 LEDs in Series with up to 930 mA External Strobe Pin for Hardware Enabled Flash External Torch Pin for Hardware Enabled Torch Dedicated Transmit Interrupt Pin 8-Bit ADC for LED Voltage and Input Voltage Monitoring Automatic Diode Current Scale Back PWM Control in Flash and Assist Modes Fault Detection and Reporting 400 kHz I2C-Compatible Interface 16-Bump, 1.990 mm × 1.990 mm × 0.6 mm DSBGA Package (YZR0016AAA)

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