2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告


2013-04-25 11:37:54 来源:网络

摘要:  这个afbr - 814 vxyz和afbr - 824 vxyz是一组12通道并行光学发射机和接收机模块优化了短程平行的、拥有数据通信和互连应用。这些高速、高密度光学模块被设计成操作多模光纤系统使用名义波长的850海里。

关键字:  光学发射机多模光纤系统

这个afbr - 814 vxyz和afbr - 824 vxyz是一组12通道并行光学发射机和接收机模块优化了短程平行的、拥有数据通信和互连应用。这些高速、高密度光学模块被设计成操作多模光纤系统使用名义波长的850海里。


The AFBR-814VxyZ and AFBR-824VxyZ are a set of 12-channel parallel optics transmitter and receiver modules optimized for short-range parallel multi-lane data communication and interconnect applications. These high-speed, high-density optical modules are designed to operate over multimode fiber systems using a nominal wavelength of 850 nm.

Avago’s MiniPOD solution offers system designers two module package options to optimize their cable management and board layout. AFBR-814RxyZ Tx/AFBR-824RxyZ Rx is used with round multi-lane cable assemblies for applications requiring multiple turns of the jumper cable inside the chassis. AFBR-814FxyZ Tx/AFBR-824FxyZ Rx is used with flat ribbon cable assemblies, allowing dense tiling of the modules as the jumper cables can be thread under the dust-cap of the next module. This top mounted optical connection maximizes board layout density by eliminating board space lost to the optical connector and strain relief.

The electrical interface uses a 9×9 MEG-Array connector with 1.27 mm pitch


The optical interface requires the user to provide a custom designed optical turn 1×12 ribbon cable PRIZM® LightTurn® connector.

The thermal interface provided can require either a user provided heat sink or use of the Avagogeneral purpose clip on heat sink, to maintain the module case temperature to be between 0°C to 70°C during continuous operation.

Selected Features

Compatible with 12×FDR InfiniBand Compliant to IEEE 802.3ba 100GbE (100GBASE-SR10 and nPPI) per lane Operates at 10 Gbps with 8b/10b encoded data, for IB-QDR application, 10.3125 Gbps for 100GbE, and up to 14.0625 Gbps for IB-FDR with 64b/66b encoded data High Aggregate bandwidth: 168 Gbps per module High density footprint: 21.95 mm × 18.62 mm size Two package options to optimize internal cable management and system layout Separate transmitter and receiver modules 850 nm VCSEL array in transmitter; PIN array in receiver Using OM4 4700 MHzkm fiber: links up to 150 m, from 10.3125 Gbps to 11.5 Gbps, 100 m 12.5 Gbps, and 50m 14.0625 Gbps

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