2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告


2012-08-28 11:11:45 来源:半导体器件应用网 点击:1038

摘要:  此次巡回技术研讨会受到业界极大关注,共吸引了570多位国内外IC设计企业精英与会,接待规模超出预期,为历年来之最。研讨会取得了非常好的交流效果,客户反馈非常热烈,并希望公司今后能够继续举办此类研讨会,提供与设计公司交流互动的平台。

关键字:  存储器,  功率分立器件,  模拟,  电源

(中国,上海—2011年5月31日)2011年上海华虹NEC电子有限公司(以下简称“华虹NEC”) 技术研讨会于5月20日在美国硅谷成功举办,这是公司首次在美国举办技术研讨会,也是此次全球巡回研讨会的最后一站。前四场研讨会已分别于4月28日、5月6日、5月10日、5月13日在台湾新竹、上海、北京和深圳成功举办,至此华虹NEC本年度的研讨会圆满落下帷幕。




Hua Hong NEC 2011 Global Technology Symposium Successfully Concluded

(Shanghai, China on 31st May, 2011) Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company, Ltd. ("Hua Hong NEC"), one of the leading pure-play foundries in the world, successfully hosted its 2011 technology symposium in Silicon Valley, U.S.A on May 20th, which marked the first symposium had been held in U.S.A., and the last stop of this year’s global technology symposium. Previously, Hua Hong NEC has already held four symposiums, including Hsinchu, Taiwan on April 28th, Shanghai on May 6th, Beijing on May 10th and Shenzhen on May 13th. By now, Hua Hong NEC 2011 technology symposium has come to an end.

Hua Hong NEC’s management team has participated in each of the global symposiums, Dr. Tzu-Yin Chiu, President and CEO of Hua Hong NEC, Mr. Sun Ruikun, Vice President of Hua Hong NEC, Dr. Mei Shaoning, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, and Mr. Gao Feng, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, all had extensive communication with participants. Moreover, Hua Hong NEC also sent a technical professional team to introduce Hua Hong NEC’s outstanding achievements on featured technology platforms including advanced embedded NVM technology, power discrete device technology, and analog & power management IC technology. Additionally, the partners of Hua Hong NEC displayed their products during the symposium, including IPs, design services, mask-making services, EDA (electronic design automation) tools and so on

Mr. Gao stated that after more than 10 years development, Hua Hong NEC has become the leading featured pure-play foundries in the world. He said “our company will always insist on customer oriented, and growth with our customer. Hua Hong NEC has been involved deeply into the Chinese Semiconductor industry chain. Furthermore, we will also constantly striving to improve our capacity of independent innovation and technology development, to strengthen the leading position in featured technologies.”

This year’s symposium has caught great attention among IC industries, which attracted more than 570 IC design professionals from both domestic and foreign countries. The number of participants was much higher than expected, and feedback from the participants has been very positive. Generally, the participants were very satisfied with this year’s symposium and hope that Hua Hong NEC can continuously hold the symposium, as it can offer an interactive platform to communicate with IC Design Houses.


Dr. Tzu-Yin Chiu, President and CEO of Hua Hong NEC, delivered a Welcome speech at this year’s symposium.

华虹NEC销售与市场副总裁高峰先生在此次研讨会上介绍华虹NEC 业务展望。

Mr. Gao Feng, VP of Sales & Marketing of Hua Hong NEC, gave a speech on Hua Hong NEC Business Outlook.

华虹NEC 2011技术研讨会,吸引了众多IC设计企业精英与会。

Hua Hong NEC 2011 technology symposium has attracted a lot of IC design professionals.

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