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华虹NEC精彩亮相ICCAD 2011

2012-08-28 11:11:45 来源:半导体器件应用网 点击:1396

摘要:  本次会议为集成电路产业链各环节的参会代表构建了交流与合作的良好平台,华虹NEC积极与业界同仁交流集成电路技术的发展方向、市场热点应用、探讨合作模式。“十二五”的开局之年,在战略性新兴产业发展需求的带动下,华虹NEC将抓住发展机遇,不断加强自主研发能力,在特色工艺技术领域做大做强,以满足客户的需求,实现设计与代工企业双赢,共同迎接新的集成电路十年黄金发展期。

关键字:  集成电路设计,  存储器,  电源管理芯片,  射频

(中国,上海—2011年12月2日)以“优化产业发展环境,提升核心竞争力,实现规模化快速发展”为主题的2011中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会年会暨中国集成电路设计产业十年成就展(ICCAD 2011)于2011年11月17日至18日在西安隆重举行。世界领先的纯晶圆代工厂之一,上海华虹NEC电子有限公司 (以下简称“华虹NEC”)携其特色工艺平台及其最新研发成果精彩亮相ICCAD 2011。








华虹NEC先后通过了ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、ISO27001信息安全管理体系、OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证,获得美国商务部产业和安全局(“BIS”) 的“经验证最终用户”(“VEU”) 授权,并且通过了TS16949汽车业管理体系符合性审核。华虹NEC由此具有更高的产品品质和信息安全性。


1. 中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会王芹生理事长、工业和信息化部电子信息司王勃华副巡视员、关白玉副巡视员等领导亲临华虹NEC展台参观指导。

2. 中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会魏少军常务副理事长亲临华虹NEC展台参观指导。

3. 公司销售与市场副总裁高峰先生在“FOUNDRY与工艺技术”专题论坛上发表了题为“华虹NEC特色工艺平台助力新兴市场”的精彩演讲。

Hua Hong NEC Participated in 2011CSIA-ICCAD Annual Conference

(Shanghai, China -- 2nd December, 2011) "2011 CSIA-ICCAD Annual Conference & China IC Design Industry 10-Year Achievements"(the “Exhibition”) was held in Xi’an on November 17-18, 2011. The theme of this year's conference is "Optimizing the Industrial Development Environment, Improving the Core Competitive Force and Realizing the Rapid Scale Development". Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company ("Hua Hong NEC"), one of the leading pure-play foundries in the world, attended the Exhibition to present the advanced featured technology platforms and new technical achievements.

Hua Hong NEC demonstrated the advanced featured technologies and solutions, including embedded NVM, analog/power management, HVCMOS, RF and discrete device. It has successfully attracted many industrial visitors. During the Exhibition, many honorable industrial leaders visited Hua Hong NEC's booth. They have highly appraised the great achievement of Hua Hong NEC in the field of featured technologies. The honorable guests including Ms. Wang Qinsheng, General Director, CSIA-ICCAD; Prof. Wei Shaojun, Managing Vice General Director, CSIA-ICCAD; Mr. Wang Bohua and Guan Baiyu, Deputy Counselors of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology-Electronics. Mr. Gao Feng, Vice President of Sales & Marketing of Hua Hong NEC, introduced major accomplishments of power devices to the industrial leaders, and emphasized that Hua Hong NEC has become the largest 8’’ power discrete foundry provider worldwide, which has accumulated shipment exceeding 2.5 million wafers in MOSFET sector. Moreover, Hua Hong NEC has creatively developed Trench HV MOSFET process and Super Junction MOSFET process with independent intellectual property. Meanwhile, ongoing IGBT process has made a remarkable improvement in technology development, which can support the core power devices localization in the field of rail transit, high speed train and electric cars, etc.

Mr. Gao was invited to the forum of “Foundry and Manufacturing Process Technology”, and delivered a speech of “Hua Hong NEC’s Featured Technologies Helping You Winning in the Emerging Markets”, Mr. Gao gave a business outlook of Hua Hong NEC, which mainly introduced the outstanding achievements of featured technologies, and also shared the successful experience of cooperation with customers. He said that Hua Hong NEC has strived to become the leader in featured technologies, which offered flexible foundry business model and tailor-made service to become the best wafer foundry partners.

This conference has built a good communication and collaboration platform for the representatives from each link of the IC Industry Chain. Hua Hong NEC actively exchanged with industry colleagues on the direction and hot applications of IC technology development to explore a better cooperation model. With the beginning of the national “12th Five Year plan”, Hua Hong NEC will seize the opportunity in developing strategic emerging market, and consistently improve its capacity of independent innovation to strengthen in the area of featured technologies. It will satisfy customer needs and achieve mutual successes for designers and manufacturers to meet new ten years of “golden period of developments” for IC Industry.

About Hua Hong NEC:

Founded in July 1997, Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company Limited is the first 8 inch semiconductor manufacturer of Mainland China and has become one of the world's leading pure-play wafer foundries, providing value-added foundry services to worldwide customers. The Company has two 8-inch foundry production lines in Mainland China which are both in mass production with the total capacity around 90K wafers per month. Hua Hong NEC, with its headquarters located in Shanghai China, extends its sales and technical support to Taiwan, Japan, North America and Europe.

Based on its solid foundation in 1.0~0.13um processes, Hua Hong NEC’s featured process platforms include embedded NVM, analog/power management, HVCMOS/ display IC, RF and discrete device as well as logic, mixed signal. These products have a wide range of applications such as communications, computer, mobile phone, home appliances, smart cards, automobile, SMPS, power management, TeleHealth, green energy (include wind power and solar energy), power train, rail transit, smart grid, audio, LED display and new illumination (include LED lighting applications and energy saving lights).

Hua Hong NEC provides first-class round-the-clock services, including design support, library/IP, mask layout, wafer processing, wafer sorting, reliability testing and failure analysis. Collaborating with its partners, Hua Hong NEC also provides one stop services including mask manufacturing, package and final testing.

To date, Hua Hong NEC has been awarded various international certifications such as ISO9001 for quality system, ISO14001 for environmental protection, ISO27001 for information security, OHSAS18001 for occupational health safety, VEU authorization from the U.S. Commerce Department's BIS, and the letter of conformance of TS16949 for quality management. Proven by such certifications, Hua Hong NEC ensures its customers of high product quality and information security.

* Photos:

1. Industry leaders visited Hua Hong NEC's Exhibition area, including Ms. Wang Qinsheng, General Director, CSIA-ICCAD; Mr. Wang Bohua and Guan Baiyu, Deputy Counselors of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology-Electronics

2. Prof. Wei Shaojun, Managing Vice General Director, CSIA-ICCAD visited Hua Hong NEC’s booth.

3. Mr. Gao attended the forum of “Foundry and Manufacturing Process Technology”, and delivered a speech of “Hua Hong NEC’s Featured Technologies Helping You Winning in the Emerging Markets”.
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