2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告


2012-08-28 11:11:45 来源:半导体器件应用网 点击:1227

摘要:  中国电子企业协会开展此项活动,旨在通过表彰先进,树立典型,激励和引导广大电子信息企业积极调整结构,加快体制创新和科技创新,节能减排,履行社会责任,诚信经营,促进电子信息行业更快、更好地发展。华虹NEC始终以推动国内电子信息产业发展为己任,专注于为客户提供高品质的特色代工服务,全力支持本土设计公司和产品公司的集成电路开发与量产,持续推动了整个中国集成电路产业链的发展,为我国信息化建设与核心元器件国产化作出了突出贡献。同时,华虹NEC积极履行社会责任,通过技术创新和实施清洁生产,全面推进节能减排,取得了良好的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益。

关键字:  纯晶圆,  集成电路,  本土设计,  核心元器件








华虹NEC先后通过了ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、ISO27001信息安全管理体系、OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证,获得美国商务部产业和安全局(“BIS”) 的“经验证最终用户”(“VEU”) 授权,并且通过了TS16949汽车业管理体系符合性审核。华虹NEC由此具有更高的产品品质和信息安全性。



Hua Hong NEC Wins the Prize of “2011 Most Influential Enterprise of China Electronic Information Industry”

(Shanghai, China – 26th December, 2011) “The Second China Electronics Summit Forum” & “The Excellent Enterprise of China Electronics Information Industry Commendation Congress”, hosted by China Electronics Enterprises Association (CEEA), was held in Beijing on December 11-12th, 2011. Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company, Ltd. ("Hua Hong NEC"), one of the leading pure-play foundries in the world, is honored to receive the “2011 Most Influential Enterprise of China Electronic Information Industry” award for its outstanding comprehensive strength performance. Mr. Chen Jian, Director of Marketing Division of Hua Hong NEC, on behalf of the company, attended the ceremony to take honor certificate and medal.

CEEA hold this ceremony in order to award outstanding enterprises, build up the industry model, guide and encourage electronic information enterprises to actively adjust the structure, accelerating the innovation of science and technology, achieving energy conservation and emission reductions, taking the social responsibilities and faithful management to drive a rapid development. Hua Hong NEC has consistently pushed for the growth of electronic information industry, focus on providing high quality of specialty foundry service to support local IC design house on IC development and mass production, remains driving the development of China’s IC industry, and making contribution to localize the core components of information construction. Meanwhile, Hua Hong NEC also actively takes social responsibility through technology innovation and green manufacturing, which completely impulse energy conservation and emission reductions, and will bring benefits to the social, economics and environment area.

Mr. Sun Ruikun, Acting President of Hua Hong NEC, he said that “It is our great honor to be awarded the prize of “2011 Most Influential Enterprise of China Electronic Information Industry”, it will greatly encourage us to work in harmony and cooperation, continue to improve on our achievements, and strive to become the leader in featured technologies. Look into the future, Hua Hong NEC will insist on presuming the vision of “Your Success Brings Us the Greatest Joy”, to create a “green foundry”, which can manufacture “green chips” to serve the society, and cooperate with industry colleagues to make a bright future for China’s IC industry.

About Hua Hong NEC:

Founded in July 1997, Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company Limited is the first 8 inch semiconductor manufacturer of Mainland China and has become one of the world's leading pure-play wafer foundries, providing value-added foundry services to worldwide customers. The Company has two 8-inch foundry production lines in Mainland China which are both in mass production with the total capacity around 90K wafers per month. Hua Hong NEC, with its headquarters located in Shanghai China, extends its sales and technical support to Taiwan, Japan, North America and Europe.

Based on its solid foundation in 1.0~0.13um processes, Hua Hong NEC’s featured process platforms include embedded NVM, analog/power management, HVCMOS/ display IC, RF and discrete device as well as logic, mixed signal. These products have a wide range of applications such as communications, computer, mobile phone, home appliances, smart cards, automobile, SMPS, power management, TeleHealth, green energy (include wind power and solar energy), power train, rail transit, smart grid, audio, LED display and new illumination (include LED lighting applications and energy saving lights).

Hua Hong NEC provides first-class round-the-clock services, including design support, library/IP, mask layout, wafer processing, wafer sorting, reliability testing and failure analysis. Collaborating with its partners, Hua Hong NEC also provides one stop services including mask manufacturing, package and final testing.

To date, Hua Hong NEC has been awarded various international certifications such as ISO9001 for quality system, ISO14001 for environmental protection, ISO27001 for information security, OHSAS18001 for occupational health safety, VEU authorization from the U.S. Commerce Department's BIS, and the letter of conformance of TS16949 for quality management. Proven by such certifications, Hua Hong NEC ensures its customers of high product quality and information security.

Mr. Chen Jian, Director of Marketing Division of Hua Hong NEC, attended the commendation congress and on behalf of the company to take honor certificate and medal.

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