2025中国(华东)智能家居技术创新研讨会5 广告 2025’中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(春季)4 广告 第21届(顺德)家电电源与智能控制技术研讨会3 广告 2025中国电机智造与创新应用暨电机产业链交流会(华东)4 广告


2011-03-05 09:52:21 来源:半导体器件应用网

 (中国,上海—2011年3月 3日)以“把脉战略新兴产业、共促市场合作共赢”为主题的2011年中国半导体市场年会暨产业合作与创新论坛 (IC Market China 2011) 于2011年3月2日在苏州召开。大会公布了由中国半导体行业协会、中国电子材料行业协会、中国电子专用设备工业协会、中国电子报社共同评选出的“第五届(2010年度)中国半导体创新产品与技术”获奖结果,上海华虹NEC电子有限公司(以下简称“华虹NEC”)的“0.18~0.25微米高压BCD成套工艺技术”获此殊荣。华虹NEC市场部部长陈俭先生在会议的专题论坛上,就此次获奖的新技术作了“节能环保视角下的半导体技术及其代工解决方案”的演讲。


 作为国内首家、全球少数几家可以提供0.18微米BCD量产工艺的代工厂之一, 华虹NEC在发展BCD成套工艺技术的过程中积累了丰富的开发和生产经验。 已进入量产的BCD180工艺技术拥有高集成度、低功耗、低开启电阻、选项丰富和可编程等优点,性能指标达到国际先进水平,为国内自主开发的电源管理芯片提供了成套的制造技术平台和IP设计服务,实现了高端电源管理芯片的国产化。目前公司已经在该领域开拓客户超过20家,量产产品超过60余款,涵盖从DC/DC,LED背光,LED驱动,电池管理,线性稳压到D类功放的各个应用领域。





 华虹NEC先后通过了ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、ISO27001信息安全管理体系、OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证,获得美国商务部产业和安全局(“BIS”) 的“经验证最终用户”(“VEU”) 授权,并且通过了TS16949体系符合性审核。华虹NEC由此具有更高的产品品质和信息安全性。

 Hua Hong NEC’s HV BCD process honored with "2010 China Semiconductor Innovative Product and Technology Award"

 (Shanghai, China - 3rd March, 2011) IC Market China 2011 of "Discerning Strategic Emerging Market, Jointly Promote Market Collaboration and Common Interest”, was held in Suzhou on 2nd March, 2011. The results of "The Fifth (2010) China Semiconductor Innovative Product and Technology Award", co-hosted by the China Semiconductor Industry Association, China Electronics Materials Industry Association, Chinese Electronic Equipment Industry Association, and China Electronics News, have been announced at the Annual Conference. Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company Ltd. ("Hua Hong NEC") has received an award of “0.18um~0.25um BCD (Bipolar-CMOS- DMOS) process” in the field of IC Manufacturing technology. Meanwhile, Mr. Chen Jian, Director of Marketing Division delivered a speech on “Semiconductor Technology and Foundry Solution in the Perspective of Energy Saving and Environmental Protection”.

 Hua Hong NEC’s power management IC technology integrated Bipolar, CMOS and DMOS to be the advanced BCD process, combining advantages of MOS devices and Bipolar; it is also regarded as the optimum choice for DC-DC convertor, battery protection, charger protection, and high-power LED driver IC.

 To be the first foundry in mainland China, as well as one of a few world leading players in mass production of 0.18um node BCD process. Hua Hong NEC has accumulated extensive experience in R&D and manufacturing process. The new BCD 180 process technology possesses many outstanding features, among which are high density integration, low power consumption, low-Rdson, re-programmable and various process options, which will provide greater flexibility and value proposition for customers. BCD180 platform has achieved the leading performance worldwide. Additionally, it offered manufacturing technology platform and IP design service in package for developing power management chip independently in mainland china as well as accomplished the advanced power management chip localization. Contemporary, Hua Hong NEC has developed over 20 customers among that area, and mass production on more than 60 series of products, covered the application from DC/DC, LED driver and backlight, battery management, Linear regulator to Class D. 

 About Hua Hong NEC:

 Founded in July 1997, Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Company Limited is the first 8 inch semiconductor manufacturer of Mainland China and has become one of the world's leading pure-play wafer foundries, providing value-added foundry services to worldwide customers. The Company has two 8-inch foundry production lines in Mainland China which are both in mass production with the total capacity around 90K wafers per month. Hua Hong NEC, with its headquarters located in Shanghai China, extends its sales and technical support to Taiwan, Japan, North America and Europe.

 Based on its solid foundation in 1.0~0.13um processes, Hua Hong NEC’s featured process platforms include embedded NVM, analog/power management, HV, RF and discrete device as well as logic, mixed signal possesses for a wide range of applications such as smart card, communications, consumer electronics, computer and automotive electronics.

 Hua Hong NEC provides first-class round-the-clock services, including design support, library/IP, mask layout, wafer processing, wafer sorting, reliability testing and failure analysis. Collaborating with its partners, Hua Hong NEC also provides one stop services including mask manufacturing, package and final testing.
To date, Hua Hong NEC has been awarded various international certifications such as ISO9001 for quality system, ISO14001 for environmental protection, ISO27001 for information security, OHSAS18001 for occupational health safety, VEU authorization from the U.S. Commerce Department's BIS, and the letter of conformance of TS16949 for quality management. Proven by such certifications, Hua Hong NEC ensures its customers of high product quality and information security.

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